haha..last saturday,the night before raya..im having the fun and funniest moment!!the story begin like diz..me, my family, my cousins, my uncles and aunts decided to make some lemang..usually we didnt make lemang coz not enough people to help..ya lar..so many stuff to do ma!!ketupat,rendang,lontong,kuah kacang,pasang pelita,main mercun..blabla
there are 18 of us..including my lil look-like-domyoji kawaii brother, my two-year-old niece and her sis, a few months old..
so the conclusion is they didnt do much except for messiness and kecohness..lol!!
so we started at noon..i just finished sew some manik at my baju kurung
my dad and my elder sis anyam ketupat
me, kak ila..isi the buluh with rice while my mak teh cut the banana leaf
my lil sis and her best cousin 4eva play the mercun and bunga api
my two other elder cousin,kak nadia and kak malia masakmasak at the kitchen..i dunno what they're doing coz im outside doin' the lemang
my cousin, kak yan busy taking care her two daughter..but at the same time she help also with isiing the lemang with rice
kak yan's hubby,showing his muscles..preparing the place to burn the lemang
my uncle, pak itam and pak teh..prepare the periuk to cook the ketupat
my mom at the kits with my mak itam cooking their best rendang
then, the buzzzyness came..
suddenly,my dad ask me to pasang the pelita coz he is so bz with the ketupat thingy
but at the same time the 'mercun war' started..you guys noe how i addicted at mercun!!
then, my uncle and abg nor burn the lemang..
my mom and my aunt so bz prepare stuff for the org surau coz they gonna come to do some takbir..but i dont get the whole point to serve food for 'em after they went to so many houses already..
my cousins all dah mandi..leave me alone busuking
my sis kecohkecoh coz her baju raya bigger than what in her imagination was..she cant stop saying.."ala..x best la raya ni..x best..sumer x mnjadi!!"
my first cousin's family,kak nadia,kak malia,pak itam,mak itam and asyraff decided to go to mantai for a while
my second cousin's family,kak yan and her two daughter,mak teh went back home for while..
while pak teh went to the surau
so yang tinggal is my family and abg nor
for real!!
haha..the storm came tiba2..
at diz time i just took my bath and sembahyang maghrib
my older sis pon lari to save the lemang with abg nor
me..sempat took the umbrella running to see my arashi la..of coz!!
abg nor quickly take some thingy to cover the still burning lemang..
my sis already wet..luckily, i hav the umbrella
we helped abg nor with 'mata merah' bcoz of the abuk and api from the fire
then,suddenly,pak itam and asyraff running from their car to help us!!
pak itam bawak kereta sgt laju from mantai to help us..haha
at the same time we are struggling with the storm and my hand all red and pain to pull the tali rafia to cover the lemang..the rombongan from surau suddenly came!!
so me and my sis ran back into the house to help our mom serve the foods..
with our wet and dirty clothes..my hair kering basah balik
my lil sis in the toilet doin' her stuff..so she cant help
my dad and hariz stranded at the previous house..bcoz they follow the takbir pny rombongan
lucky,pak teh ada to help
bcoz we cant go serve the foods in front of all the oldold atuk and pak cik there
giler apa?? all wet and dirty!!
outside..abg nor,pak itam and asyraff..all wet also from head to toe..have to stay outside until the lemang masak..
then..my sis run to the previous house to take hariz back home..my dad didnt bring umbrella
after the rombongan leave..
pak teh took the umbrella while riding his motorcycle to go to the next house
hariz dah balik..terus bukak angpou.."ma, hariz dpt inggit..dpt inggit!!"
my dad still straded..at dat time..i still dunno why
and it still stormy and rain outside
after a while..
my dad came back home..he said,"Nor!! motor kau x ley stat lagi lar.."
so..thats the reason
all my cousins came to dat house back..after pak hitam fetch 'em at mantai
kiratul,the two-year-old girl main larilari with hariz
somehow..they fight and play together until today,just now..
lemang also dah masak..
we all eat and laugh while watching the tv..
Salam Terakhir sangat sedih!!
everyone tell stories about what just happened
after all that..
everyone keep eating and laughing..
i cant stand anymore..about 12..after one hour watching sampaikan raya..i went to bed
it was very cold in the room,with the heavy rain outside but my sis still on the fan??
only kak malia, my sis, kak nadia and kak ila who already slept before me
the others still laughing at the living room
before i sleep..i checked my phone..at dat time i just realize the messages from my non-muslims frens..arigato~
after dat i realize it was 8 o'clock in the morning after my dad kejut all of us in the room..^^
so lastly..happy happy raya..although now im entering the third day of raya..arashiarashi~